Zeige 201-220 von 412 Einträgen.

Ergebnisse für: Alle Rennen, Alle Kategorien

PlatzierungBeste Zeit (s) Nachname Vorname OrtKategorieStart #Rennen
59,017DE LA CRUZMarco PineappleInzersdorfElite Herren(nicht gesetzt)Windischgarsten - Pump the Trailogie
59,001GITTERLETimTraunJunior Elite Boys99Windischgarsten - Pump the Trailogie
514,430HÖLLERMarioRossleithenElite Herren141Großarltal - Pump the Gravel
517,160SILBERGASSERDanielGroßarlJunior Elite Boys68Großarltal - Pump the Gravel
517,145STEINDLMaxRoßleithenYoungsters Boys49Großarltal - Pump the Gravel
516,490GRILLChristophBad GoisernElite Herren111Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
516,209HEINECKEFlorianInnsbruck(Mutters)Junior Elite Boys85Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
518,611KECKJohannReichenauYoungsters Boys51Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
522,699MAYRJulian HalgelsbergKids Boys29Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
552,088WIESMAYRMiaMarchtrenkLaufrad-Klasse10Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
510,842MEINDLFlorianAxamsElite Herren104Schladming - Pump the Mountain FINALS
512,308KUPETZIUSJulianWelsYoungsters Boys51Schladming - Pump the Mountain FINALS
517,893SCHOIBLLeoWalsKids Boys25Schladming - Pump the Mountain FINALS
48,268KAGERPatrickMaria LanzendorfElite Herren136Wels - Pump the Expo
410,436PICHLERAnnaBruckElite Damen126Wels - Pump the Expo
413,135GEISSBÜCHLERLisaVösendorfJunior Elite Girls93Wels - Pump the Expo
48,814GÖSSLNicoWienJunior Elite Boys116Wels - Pump the Expo
416,723GRASSECKERFloraWindischgarstenYoungsters Girls62Wels - Pump the Expo
49,781KECKJohannReichenauYoungsters Boys68Wels - Pump the Expo
413,556KOVACJannikMariazellKids Boys38Wels - Pump the Expo