Zeige 41-60 von 73 Einträgen.

Ergebnisse für: Wels - Pump the Expo, Alle Kategorien

PlatzierungBeste Zeit (s) Nachname Vorname OrtKategorieStart #Rennen
59,011KECKAntonReichenauJunior Elite Boys105Wels - Pump the Expo
510,436KRONBERGERLisaGmundenElite Damen121Wels - Pump the Expo
58,362HOCHFELSNERDavidStraßwalchenElite Herren132Wels - Pump the Expo
413,556KOVACJannikMariazellKids Boys38Wels - Pump the Expo
49,781KECKJohannReichenauYoungsters Boys68Wels - Pump the Expo
416,723GRASSECKERFloraWindischgarstenYoungsters Girls62Wels - Pump the Expo
48,814GÖSSLNicoWienJunior Elite Boys116Wels - Pump the Expo
413,135GEISSBÜCHLERLisaVösendorfJunior Elite Girls93Wels - Pump the Expo
410,436PICHLERAnnaBruckElite Damen126Wels - Pump the Expo
48,268KAGERPatrickMaria LanzendorfElite Herren136Wels - Pump the Expo
311,949DÖRRMaximilianMarchtrenkKids Boys45Wels - Pump the Expo
39,656WIMBAUERVincentVaterstettenYoungsters Boys78Wels - Pump the Expo
316,193REITEREmilyWaldingYoungsters Girls57Wels - Pump the Expo
38,736SCHÜRZFabianWelsJunior Elite Boys97Wels - Pump the Expo
310,826BAUEREmilie-MariaVösendorfJunior Elite Girls95Wels - Pump the Expo
39,890ECKHARTSonjaLiezenElite Damen128Wels - Pump the Expo
37,846SLAVIKHannesViennaElite Herren147Wels - Pump the Expo
237,487REITERNoahMarchtrenkLaufrad-Klasse1Wels - Pump the Expo
211,732FERNBACHSamy LouisWienKids Boys27Wels - Pump the Expo
28,830WAGNERValentinFischamendYoungsters Boys70Wels - Pump the Expo