Zeige 21-40 von 60 Einträgen.

Ergebnisse für: Alle Rennen, Junior Elite Boys

PlatzierungBeste Zeit (s) Nachname Vorname OrtKategorieStart #Rennen
129,720NAGELSTRASSERFlorianHaagJunior Elite Boys121Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
1810,515MÖSTLNiklasNeumarkt im MühlkreisJunior Elite Boys102Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
1910,530MITTERBÖCKMAXThalheim/WelsJunior Elite Boys126Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
18,112MAYERPaulTaufkirchen an der TrattnachJunior Elite Boys108Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
139,891MÄRZINGERLaurence MarchtrenkJunior Elite Boys125Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
119,516MADERBÖCKMarioDietachJunior Elite Boys86Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
718,112LINDERLaurenzMuttersJunior Elite Boys108Innsbruck - Pump the Town
2010,795LIEBLMaximilianSchlierbachJunior Elite Boys93Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
1120,468KUPETZIUSJulianWelsJunior Elite Boys102Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
109,360KRUPKAFabianKefermarktJunior Elite Boys98Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
28,456KRENNAndreasNeumarkt im MühlkreisJunior Elite Boys105Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
38,486KECKAntonWintersdorfJunior Elite Boys96Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
118,440KECKAntonWintersdorfJunior Elite Boys113Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
619,578KECKJohannWintersdorfJunior Elite Boys153Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
119,516JUNGWIRTHDanielWelsJunior Elite Boys99Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
316,567JÖRGDominikSöldenJunior Elite Boys95Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
1220,545HUBERFelixSt.ValentinJunior Elite Boys108Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
68,939HRADSKÝDanielŠenkviceJunior Elite Boys101Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
2211,122HOFMANNArthurPlattJunior Elite Boys53Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
218,455HOCHFELSNERBenediktStrasswalchenJunior Elite Boys105Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt