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Ergebnisse für: Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt, Alle Kategorien

PlatzierungBeste Zeit (s) Nachname Vorname OrtKategorieStart #Rennen
336,161BUCHSBAUMRosalie4284 TragweinKids Girls22Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
321,949STEINDLMaxRoßleithenYoungsters Boys38Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
318,970FRITSCHSandroWelsJunior Elite Boys104Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
322,027MERKHOFFERMelinaInnsbruckElite Damen118Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
317,815STADLERThomasPettenbachElite Herren121Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
470,881FÜREDER-HABRINGERGernotHörschingLaufrad-Klasse4Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
426,349EITZINGERDavidRutzenmoosKids Boys10Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
468,062STAALSLaraViehhofenKids Girls103Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
422,230MAYRAlexanderHargelsbergYoungsters Boys40Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
419,235FASLFelixEberschwangJunior Elite Boys101Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
417,846FLANKLOskarBehambergElite Herren144Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
526,630ZDARZILAntonWienKids Boys27Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
523,291GRÜNBERGERSimonGrünbach bei FreistadtYoungsters Boys37Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
519,282BAUMGARTNERTobiasKematenJunior Elite Boys152Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
518,049KLINGLMAYRNicoWeißkirchenElite Herren148Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
626,723SCHWARZLMÜLLERChristophWelsKids Boys19Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
623,962FEICHTINGERRobertWelsYoungsters Boys39Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
619,578KECKJohannWintersdorfJunior Elite Boys153Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
618,112PELZERMarcelWilheringElite Herren138Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
727,362RAMLGregorAltenberg bei LinzKids Boys26Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt