Zeige 101-120 von 512 Einträgen.

Ergebnisse für: Alle Rennen, Alle Kategorien

PlatzierungBeste Zeit (s) Nachname Vorname OrtKategorieStart #Rennen
210,921MALLEZEKDavidMarchtrenkJunior Elite Boys94Innsbruck - Pump the Town
213,541REINERAnoukInnsbruckYoungsters Girls53Innsbruck - Pump the Town
212,418REICHValentinInnsbruckYoungsters Boys70Innsbruck - Pump the Town
217,924KUPETZIUSLilliWelsKids Girls11Innsbruck - Pump the Town
213,993JENEWEINRaphaelAxamsKids Boys27Innsbruck - Pump the Town
214,181HUNZIKERRamonStftisburgElite Herren120Sölden - Pump the Valley
221,387KUPETZIUSLisaWelsElite Damen91Sölden - Pump the Valley
215,148SCHÜRZFabianWelsJunior Elite Boys79Sölden - Pump the Valley
218,853KUPETZIUSJulianWelsYoungsters Boys51Sölden - Pump the Valley
229,937SANTERHannahSöldenKids Girls14Sölden - Pump the Valley
225,272SCHEIBERLuisSöldenKids Boys24Sölden - Pump the Valley
255,864SANTERLaurenzSöldenLaufrad-Klasse2Sölden - Pump the Valley
216,255DE LACRUZMarco PineappleinzersdorfElite Herren112Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
219,328ECKHARTSonjaLiezenElite Damen81Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
215,974MALLEZEKDavidMarchtrenkJunior Elite Boys62Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
219,204FRITSCHSANDROWelsYoungsters Boys49Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
229,546GRASSECKERFloraWindischgarstenKids Girls14Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
223,057STEINDLMaxRoßleithenKids Boys31Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
250,919GAMMERSimonEferdingLaufrad-Klasse3Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
216,334WIDMANNManuelBad goisernElite Herren102Großarltal - Pump the Gravel