Zeige 1-20 von 84 Einträgen.

Ergebnisse für: Alle Rennen, Elite Herren

PlatzierungBeste Zeit (s) Nachname Vorname OrtKategorieStart #Rennen
46,162HÖLLERMarioRoßleithenElite Herren82Villach - Pump the Lake
1617,145LINSERRaphaelInnsbruckElite Herren88Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
56,396GRILLChristophLauffenElite Herren89Villach - Pump the Lake
1215,538NEURURERFlorianInnsbruckElite Herren89Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
76,786HAASDominikMarchtrenkElite Herren90Villach - Pump the Lake
1415,958HAASDominikMarchtrenkElite Herren90Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
25,616PELZERMarcelWilheringElite Herren91Villach - Pump the Lake
87,254NUSSLERChristianKlagenfurtElite Herren92Villach - Pump the Lake
35,725HOCHFELSNERDavidStraßwalchenElite Herren98Villach - Pump the Lake
66,474BRUNNERRolandKufsteinElite Herren99Villach - Pump the Lake
15,491MAYERMaxiSalzburgElite Herren100Villach - Pump the Lake
---DNFTHALHAMMERFelixOhlsdorfElite Herren114Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
48,127HOCHFELSNERDavidStraßwalchenElite Herren115Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
119,251LAMPLMaximilianGutauElite Herren116Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
199,781MAYRMarioHargelsbergElite Herren117Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
316,707PELZERMarcelWilheringElite Herren117Innsbruck - Pump the Town
98,752PELZERMarcelWilheringElite Herren118Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
1018,891BRUNNERRolandKufsteinElite Herren118Innsbruck - Pump the Town
38,035KAGERPatrickMaria LanzendorfElite Herren119Wels - Pump the Expo 2020
108,845GRILLChristophLauffenElite Herren120Wels - Pump the Expo 2020