Zeige 141-160 von 512 Einträgen.

Ergebnisse für: Alle Rennen, Alle Kategorien

PlatzierungBeste Zeit (s) Nachname Vorname OrtKategorieStart #Rennen
212,418REICHValentinInnsbruckYoungsters Boys70Innsbruck - Pump the Town
1014,102HEINECKEFabianInnsbruckYoungsters Boys62Innsbruck - Pump the Town
1114,508SALZMANNLeoInnsbruckYoungsters Boys32Innsbruck - Pump the Town
1214,773HEINECKEJulianInnsbruckYoungsters Boys63Innsbruck - Pump the Town
1315,085GRÖBNERSamuelInnsbruckYoungsters Boys72Innsbruck - Pump the Town
1415,990GRÖBNERSebastianInnsbruckYoungsters Boys73Innsbruck - Pump the Town
1516,426OLSSONViktorInnsbruckYoungsters Boys61Innsbruck - Pump the Town
113,572FICHTINGERJonasInnsbruckKids Boys26Innsbruck - Pump the Town
414,274ZIERLAntonInnsbruckKids Boys31Innsbruck - Pump the Town
516,708GABRIELGeorgInnsbruckKids Boys28Innsbruck - Pump the Town
116,224HEINECKEFlorianInnsbruckYoungsters Boys47Sölden - Pump the Valley
419,624HEINECKEFabianInnsbruckYoungsters Boys49Sölden - Pump the Valley
619,968HEINECKEJulianInnsbruckYoungsters Boys48Sölden - Pump the Valley
37,722DE LACRUZMarcoinzersdorfElite Herren128Windischgarsten - Pump the Trailogie
149,204DE LACRUZMarco PineappleinzersdorfElite Herren132Schladming - Pump the Mountain
1311,201DE LACRUZMarco PineappleinzersdorfElite Herren121Innsbruck - Pump the Town
515,553DE LACRUZMarco PineappleinzersdorfElite Herren111Sölden - Pump the Valley
216,255DE LACRUZMarco PineappleinzersdorfElite Herren112Marchtrenk - Pump the Dirt
317,773DE LACRUZMarco PineappleinzersdorfElite Herren111Großarltal - Pump the Gravel
412,496DE LACRUZMarco PineappleinzersdorfElite Herren129Leogang - Pump the Festival