Zeige 41-59 von 59 Einträgen.

Ergebnisse für: Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL), Alle Kategorien

PlatzierungBeste Zeit (s) Nachname Vorname OrtKategorieStart #Rennen
221,091GSTREINLindaSöldenYoungsters Girls44Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
322,402RIMLLeniSöldenYoungsters Girls47Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
215,086STOXREITERLiamSöldenJunior Elite Boys94Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
316,567JÖRGDominikSöldenJunior Elite Boys95Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
419,188HALLMarkusSöldenJunior Elite Boys101Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
215,569GROSCHUPFERJohannaSt. ValentinJunior Elite Girls63Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
114,149HOCHFELSNERBenediktStrasswalchenJunior Elite Boys96Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
514,321HOCHFELSNERDavidStraßwalchenElite Herren147Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
414,305ZELLNERSiegiTeisendorfElite Herren145Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
319,936SIKORAMathiasTrofaiachKids Boys34Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
318,111SIKORAJakobTrofaiachYoungsters Boys59Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
920,124SIKORAValentinTrofaiachYoungsters Boys56Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
819,828FENDERPaulUmhausenYoungsters Boys61Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
124,336STAALSMiaViehhofenKids Girls19Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
531,106STAALSLaraViehhofenKids Girls20Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
518,939STAALSCaroViehhofenElite Damen79Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
118,845OSSEmilyWaldingYoungsters Girls41Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
418,783LAHARTINGERMelanieWeerElite Damen74Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)
614,336PELZERMarcelWilheringElite Herren139Sölden - Pump the Valley (FINAL)