Zeige 181-200 von 512 Einträgen.

Ergebnisse für: Alle Rennen, Alle Kategorien

PlatzierungBeste Zeit (s) Nachname Vorname OrtKategorieStart #Rennen
411,029BARONFabienneHollenstein/YbbsYoungsters Girls29Königsberg - Pump the Steel
111,045BAUEREmilieVösendorfYoungsters Girls52Messe Wels - Pump the Expo
311,061HOCHFELSNERDavidStraßwalchenJunior Elite Boys87Innsbruck - Pump the Town
1511,076PERKONIGGchristianklagenfurtJunior Elite Boys76Messe Wels - Pump the Expo
511,076KUPETZIUSLisaWelsElite Damen101Windischgarsten - Pump the Trailogie
711,107KECKjohannLinzYoungsters Boys41Messe Wels - Pump the Expo
311,107FRIESBenKölnKids Boys24Großarltal - Pump the Gravel
211,123STEINDLMaxRoßleithenKids Boys20Königsberg - Pump the Steel
1611,138JUNGWIRTHDanielWelsJunior Elite Boys42Messe Wels - Pump the Expo
911,138ERSTLINGDavidBaden-Württemberg - OberteuringenElite Herren122Innsbruck - Pump the Town
3411,139HAINZChristophBad AiblingElite Herren107Messe Wels - Pump the Expo
411,154HAINZAlinaBad AiblingElite Damen99Schladming - Pump the Mountain
1011,170SOKOLOWSKIJurekLandeckElite Herren127Innsbruck - Pump the Town
611,185FERNBACHMariaSchladmingElite Damen100Windischgarsten - Pump the Trailogie
1111,185STRAUB-EICHINGERThomasEckartsauElite Herren135Innsbruck - Pump the Town
1311,201DE LACRUZMarco PineappleinzersdorfElite Herren121Innsbruck - Pump the Town
1211,201LETHFredUnkownElite Herren40Innsbruck - Pump the Town
411,232ECKERTAlexandragrazElite Damen96Messe Wels - Pump the Expo
511,248PROCHINERLisaTreffenElite Damen93Messe Wels - Pump the Expo
3511,263BÖCKKevinKlagenfurtElite Herren123Messe Wels - Pump the Expo